Thursday, May 2, 2019


Curry leaves/sweet Nim, is a green,shiny miraculous herb. In hindi we have a tendency to call it kadi patta or metha Nim. It belongs to neem family. As its style sweet with nice aroma, we have a tendency to use in our cookery as a seasoning of curries.
The health advantages of curry leaves include aiding in weight loss, treating symptom, nausea, and nausea, dominant polygenic disorder, rising sight, and reducing stress, lower cholesterol levels, aid in cancer treatment, shield the liver. It deals with several gi problems. It helps in treating gentle burns and healing wound that aren’t too deep.
They are thought-about inhibitor, antimicrobial, medicinal drug, anti-carcinogenic, and hepatoprotective (capability to shield the liver from damage) properties. The roots are used for treating body aches and also the bark is employed for snake bite relief.
Curry leaves are believed to assist in strengthening hair roots. Dry curry leaf powder mixed with oil may be applied to your hair. The paste from curry leaves also can be applied in cases of grey hair. Doing these on an everyday basis will improve hair growth and cures dandruff.
These leaves are jam-packed with nutrients like carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, chemical element, irons and vitamins like vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin E, curry leaves facilitate your heart perform higher, fights infections and might enliven your hair and skin with vitality.
Treatment with herbs provides healthy body and mind, not solely internally however conjointly outwardly.


Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Anxiety and Depression --- A Mental Disorder
What is Anxiety and Depression?
Anxiety means a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome.
Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Also called major depressive disorder or clinical depression, it affects how you feel, think and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems. You may have trouble doing normal day-to-day activities, and sometimes you may feel as if life isn’t worth living.

Do you Know why People feel Depressed or Anxiety ???
It is Mental condition Under which person has fear of job loss, illness, grief , sadness worry, loneliness.
Now a days around 50% people in world is suffering from Depression or anxiety or both. This increase of number of depression suffering people is because of social media too Reason for this is many.

Symptoms of Anxiety and Depressive disorder.

·        If you have Significant weight loss.
·        Fatigue or loss of energy.
·        Insomnia or hypersomnia
·        Feeling of guilt
·        Indecisiveness
·        Significant distress
·        Difficult in concentrating
·        Mind blanked
·        Irritable
·        Sleep disturbance
·        Loss or increase of appetite
·        Lack of interest in enjoyable activity
·        Suicidal thought

If person has 2 or more of above symptoms for continues 2 weeks he should be necessary to take the disorder treatment for anxiety and depression.

Now Main Question arises

How to overcome From Depression and Anxiety?

·        Leave the past behind Don`t think or look what has already gone.
·        Event Don`t think of future, if things won`t go according to plan it will feel you disturb and depressed.
·        Live in the present, Do the work which you actually enjoy.
·        Doing yoga everyday is best to overcome of depression and anxiety.
·        Connect with Real Friends, go meet them, spend the enjoyable time with them.
·        Leave the Virtual world Behind.
·        If someone other has done something wrong to you Just FORGIVE HIM and go on.
·        Don`t think Negative event a bit of thought in mind. Think whatever has going with your life has Positivity.

And Last use natural Herbs which can help to overcome from depression and anxiety.

Herbs helpful in treating depression are:-

Herbs helpful in treating anxiety are:-

Cure Naturally From Nature Herbs.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019



What is diabetes/Madhumeh?
Diabetes is a type of disease in which your blood sugar level becomes too high.  It is of two types type 1 and type 2. In type 1 body does not produce insulin. While type 2 diabetes comes in later stage in life.
  What are the early signs of diabetes?
Warnings signs of diabetes include:
  • Increased thirst.
  • Increased hunger (especially after eating)
  • Dry mouth.
  • Frequent urination or urine infections.
  • Unexplained weight loss (even though you are eating and feel hungry)
  • Fatigue (weak, tired feeling)
  • Blurred vision.

How to control diabetes?
  One can control diabetes with commitment to their diet plan, regular exercise, and proper medication.

  Which medication leaves no side effect in the body?

As per the research herbal medication is gaining popularity and people are becoming  more  aware for herbs.

 Which herbs to be used for controlling diabetes?

Herbs used in treating Diabetes are:-

Above is the list of herbs which we see around us, can be used partially or fully in your daily routine for controlling over diabetes. Consult Ayurveda Practioner for the detail mix of herbs quantity to used in maintaining the blood sugar level for the longer period of time. It will definitely leave positive result in maintaining the blood sugar level, with regular exercise/ yoga, meditation, proper diet.